Ko-eet-senko ana oba hemo hadamagagi o ba ika

i ha hyo oya iya o iha yaya yoyo
aheyo aheyo uaheyo ya eya heyo e heyo
Ko-eet-senko ana obahema haa ipai degi o ba ika
Ko-eet-senko ana oba hemo hadamagagi o ba ika

Satank (Set-angya or Set-ankeah, translated as Sitting Bear), was a prestigious Kiowa warrior and medicine man. He was born about 1800, probably in Kansas, and killed June 8, 1871. An able warrior, he became part of the Koitsenko (or Kaitsenko, Ko-eet-senko), the society of the bravest Kiowa warriors. He led many raids against the Cheyennes, the Sacs, and the Foxes. As the white settlers’ importance increased, he raided settlements, wagon trains, and even army outposts.

The Koitsenko was a group of the ten greatest warriors of the Kiowa tribe as a whole, from all bands. Probably the most famous of them was Satank who died while being taken to trial for the Warren Wagon Train Raid. The Koitsenko were elected out of the various military societies of the Kiowa, the “Dog Soldiers.” They were elected by all the members of all the warrior societies of the entire tribe.[2]

There were six warrior societies in the Kiowa Tribe during the plains nomad years.[3] Five were for grown warriors, the sixth for boys. The military societies were called “Dog Soldiers” because of visions and dreams of dogs. The Koitsenko were known as the “Real Dogs.”[4] All young boys were enrolled in the Rabbit Warrior Society, the sixth recognized warrior society. The other five could be joined as the boys grew up. The Tiah-pah Society, O-Ho-Mah Warrior Society, Kiowa Black Leggings Warrior Society and Kiowa Gourd Dance Clan are warrior societies. The most skilled members and elite of all the warriors out of all the societies of every branch of the Kiowa were the Koitsenko. The Koitsenko was an honorary group of ten greatest warriors who were elected from the five adult warrior societies. The soldier societies policed the campsite and went on hunts and into war.[2]

In the Keah-ko Winter count, White Bear is represented as passing on the leadership of the Koitsenko to White Bear in 1874.[5]

After the death of the Kiowa supreme chief Dohäsan in 1866 Satanta took over the leadership, with Satank leading the Koitsenko. 1867 he signed the Medicine Lodge Treaty together with Satanta and other Kiowa chiefs. In 1870 his son, also named Satank, was killed in a raid in Texas. Disconsolate, the old man carried some of his son’s bones with him. He stepped up his raiding, in retribution for his son’s death, including many conducted by Satanta and other discontented Kiowa, Comanche and Apache tribes, including the Warren Wagon Train Raid, on May 11, 1871 on Salt Creek Prairie in Texas.

The survivors of the Warren train had rushed on to Fort Richardson, where they encountered General William Tecumseh Sherman, who had passed by the raiding party as it lay hidden waiting for the wagon train. The General, realizing that he had escaped death by fate, ordered Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie and the 4th Cavalry to pursue the war party and bring back those responsible for the attack.[3]

 The Army did not catch the war party, the war party caught themselves. Leaders Satank and Satanta had come back to the reservation, and had they kept quiet, no one would have ever found out officially who had committed the Warren Wagon Train Raid. But Satanta could not bring himself to be quiet. He asked the Indian Agent on the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation for ammunition and supplies, bragging that he, Satank, and Big Tree had led the war party which had recently killed the teamsters at Salt Creek, and that they could have killed General Sherman if they had wished.[3]

Sherman, already enraged over the acts of the war party, was further enraged to hear that he could have been killed. He ordered the arrest of Satank, Satanta, and Big Tree, and personally carried it out on the Agent’s porch. Sherman then hit on the ingenious idea of sending the Indian Chiefs to Jacksboro, Texas to be tried in state court for murder. He ordered them tried as common felons by the Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of Texas. This would deny them any vestige of rights as a prisoner of war, which they might keep in a military court martial, and send a message that acts by a war party would be regarded as common crimes rather than legitimate resistance by representatives of a sovereign state. This would mark the first time Indian Chiefs had ever stood trial in the white man’s court.[3]

General Sherman ordered the trial of Satanta and Big Tree, along with Satank, making them the first Native American Leaders to be tried for raids in a US Court.[4] Sherman ordered the three Kiowa sub-chiefs taken to Jacksboro, Texas, to stand trial for murder. Satank had no intention of allowing himself to be humiliated by being tried by the white man’s court, and told the Tonkawa scouts before the three were to be transported to Fort Richardson that they should tell his family they would be able to find his body along the trail. Satank refused to get in the wagon, and after the soldiers threw him in, he hid his head under his red blanket, (worn as a sign of his membership in the Koitsenko). The soldiers apparently believed the old Chief was hiding his face because of humiliation, but in reality, he was gnawing his wrists to the bone so that he could get out of the chains they had put on him. He began singing his death song, and when his hands were free, stabbed one of his guards with a knife he had secreted in his clothes, and managed to wrestle the man’s rifle from him. Satank was shot to death before he could manage to fire. His body lay unburied in the road, with his people afraid to claim it, for fear of the Army, though Col. Mackenzie assured the family they could safely claim Satank’s remains. Nonetheless, they were never claimed.

About arnulfo

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